In 1998, animated adult television sitcom, King of the Hill, aired ‘Nine Pretty Darn Angry Men’ – a Thanksgiving-themed episode of the show. The episode was broadcast in November, to coincide with the holiday period and provide King of the Hill fans with some seasonal fun.

Due to the popularity of the episode, with audiences enjoying this dose of holiday hilarity, Thanksgiving episodes became a semi-regular thing on the show. Continuing in subsequent years, King of the Hill incorporated Thanksgiving episodes into future seasons.

But if you’re new to King of the Hill, you love Thanksgiving, and you want to seek out the holiday episodes of the show, what are the stories you need to look out for? And more importantly, how many Thanksgiving episodes of King of the Hill are there?!

For all the details and more, keep on reading!



Every Thanksgiving episode of King of the Hill in order

Image: ©20th Century Fox

During the course of its run, King of the Hill featured five Thanksgiving-themed episodes. If you wish to seek out all of the episodes, then simply follow this list:

  • Nine Pretty Darn Angry MenKing of the Hill: Season Three, Episode Seven (1998)
  • Happy Hank’s GivingKing of the Hill: Season Four, Episode Seven (1999)
  • Spin the ChoiceKing of the Hill: Season Five, Episode Four (2000)
  • Goodbye Normal JeansKing of the Hill: Season Seven, Episode Four (2002)
  • A Rover Runs Through ItKing of the Hill: Season Nine, Episode One (2004)

Seek out the above episodes of King of the Hill through streaming services or via TV re-runs, and you’ll have all the Thanksgiving fun you could ever shake a turkey leg at.



Thank you for stopping by It’s A Stampede! to read this post about the Thanksgiving episodes of King of the Hill – I hope it has proved useful. For more useful posts, be sure to check out the recommended reads below.
