Last night, I sat in front of the TV watching episodes of Extreme Ghostbusters on Amazon Prime Video. And watching episodes of the oft-overlooked animated show has left me with one very important question: Isn’t it about time we got an Extreme Ghostbusters movie?

Or at the very least, a revival?

For those not au fait with Extreme Ghostbusters, the show was a short-lived cartoon and spin-off/sequel to The Real Ghostbusters. The series – which lasted for one season in 1997 – ran for 40 episodes in total and featured a new team of Ghostbusters (Garrett, Kylie, Eduardo and Roland), alongside old favourites Egon Spengler, Janine Melnitz and Slimer.

Extreme Ghostbusters

As much as I love the original Ghostbusters movies, the more recent 2016 incarnation and The Real Ghostbusters, I feel like now is the perfect time for the Extreme team to hit the big screen/get a revival. Not only are we in the midst of a ’90s nostalgia period, but we’re also experiencing an influx of horror movies, which means an Extreme Ghostbusters movie is a must, right?


During the course of  its one-season run, Extreme Ghostbusters served up some damn creepy episodes, including the likes of DeadlinersGrundel-Esque, Home is Where the Horror is and Killjoys, as well as some spooky spectres and frightening fiends. This show is ripe for a revisit and to provide inspiration for a movie series with a bit of bite.

Heck, if Extreme Ghostbusters never becomes a live-action feature, how about we get a little more exposure for the animated show instead? A full DVD/Blu-Ray release would be a start or perhaps some new merchandise?


I appreciate the characters have appeared in Ghostbusters comics, but it would be great if we could see them getting a little more recognition. When Extreme Ghostbusters originally aired it enhanced the legacy of the Ghostbusters and I feel that today it could do the same again.

What do you think?

Would you like to see Extreme Ghostbusters get a revival? Or is there simply only one GB team for you? Sound off in the comments section below.

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