With the first season of X-Men ‘97 now done and dusted, fans are going to have to wait a little while until the second season drops (boo). However, in the meantime, the X-Men ‘97 tie-in comic is still in print (hurrah!).

For those who need a quick reminder, the X-Men ‘97 comic is a short-run prequel book, which is set before the events of the animated series. The comic is four issues long, Issue #1 and Issue #2 have been out for a few weeks now, and today sees the release of Issue #3.

As the comic has been designed as a prelude to the television show it fills in a few gaps not covered by the series. The comic also includes a few references and in-jokes to X-Men ‘97X-Men: The Animated Series, and the wider world of the X-Men. 

I’ve previously talked about references and in-jokes that pop up in Issue #1 and #2, and today I’m turning my attention to Issue #3. Below you will find 10 references or points of note from this latest instalment.


Say, what?

Image: ©Marvel Comics

As we begin, the first thing which crops up is not an in-joke or a reference, but a brief editorial mistake. The mistake occurs in the first text box on the opening page, and concerns a piece of text which makes no sense. 

The nonsensical line reads as follows: “Meanwhile, darker threats head the X-Men’s way in the form of The Marauder’s – a team of evil mutants who have ambushed the heroes as the heroes, led by Sabretooth at the behest of Mister Sinister.”

Erm… what? 

“Ambushed the heroes as the heroes, led by Sabretooth at the behest of Mister Sinister”?! 

What the heck does that mean?!

Clearly some of the text here is incorrect. The logical explanation is that it was altered or edited incorrectly, no one noticed, and the book went to the printers with the mistake.

Normally I wouldn’t point out mistakes, as these things happen, and everyone makes mistakes (it’s why they put erasers on the end of pencils), but I just wanted to flag it. I expect the digital version will get corrected shortly, even if the print copy maintains the mistake.

It’s morphin’ time

Image: ©Marvel Comics

OK, onto the action now, and Issue #3 begins with the Storm, Morph, and Wolverine in battle with The Marauders. The fight is caught on camera by news reporter Trish Tilby.

It’s here that Morph makes an appearance, initially under the guise of Tilby. Morph then quickly transforms into the Hulk.

During this sequence, Wolverine makes the following comment: “It’s good to have ya back, Morph. Feels like old times.”

This comment, as well as a similar comment from Storm (and another one from Jubilee later in the issue) makes it clear Morph has only just returned to the team full-time, following a period of absence and rehabilitation. As such, when Morph appeared on the final page of Issue #2 (last month), this was the character’s big comeback!


An intriguing trio?

Image: ©Marvel/Disney

Sticking with Storm, Morph, and Wolverine, and it’s worth noting there is something significant about the combination of these three characters appearing together. What is it? Well… it’s a little bit of foreshadowing!

Those who have watched the final episode of season one of X-Men ‘97 will know the story ends with the X-Men split up and cast adrift through time. Cyclops and & Jean Grey are sent to the future, while Rogue, Nightcrawler, Beast, Professor Xavier and Magneto are sent to the past.

When the episode concludes, Storm, Morph, and Wolverine are left unaccounted for. Yep, it’s the same trio! 

While this Issue has no bearing on the events of that final episode, it does appear somewhat serendipitous that these three mutants are not only working together here but are also the three characters unaccounted for when the first season concludes.

A Rogue encounter

Image: ©Marvel Comics

And speaking of foreshadowing, as the focus of the issue moves to another battle – this time with Rogue, Bishop, Gambit, and Jubilee fighting Siena Blaze – Rogue makes an interesting comment. After attempting to leech Blaze’s abilities, she says: “The entire planet’s electromagnetic field… coursin’ through me!”

This is a significant piece of dialogue as the plot of the animated show’s season one finale revolves around an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and Earth’s electromagnetic field. It seems this issue is hinting at what is to come in the show.

You’re my world 

Image: ©Marvel Comics

Sticking with Rogue and as she wrestles with Blaze’s power she makes a comment about how she “could mess with the whole planet’s electromagnetic field.” She then makes it clear that while it is a struggle, she can keep the power under control, keeping the planet safe etc.

At this point Gambit says the following: “Dat’s cause Siena Blaze don’t care ‘bout no one but herself, chère. But my Rogue? She’s a bona fife hero. She care about de whole world.”

Now, this is quite interesting when you consider what happens in the TV show. In the series, Gambit dies during the mutant massacre on Genosha, Rogue gets angry and vengeful, and when Magneto sets off an EMP and messes up the world’s electromagnetic field, Rogue temporarily switches allegiances and joins him.

At this point in time, the world faces its darkest hour and Rogue turns her back on everything. It would seem that when Gambit says Rogue cares about the whole world, what he doesn’t know is as far as Rogue is concerned, HE is her whole world.


A Storm warning

Image: ©Marvel/Disney

Back to Storm, Morph, and Wolverine now, and as their fight with The Marauders concludes they find new opposition from the mutant hating government operative, Agent Carl Denti. This is the same Agent Denti who will don the X-Cutioner costume in the second episode of the TV show, and who will shoot Storm with a weapon which temporarily removes her mutant powers.

And it’s here we get another bit of foreshadowing, courtesy of Storm. 

As Denti pulls a weapon on Wolverine and Morph, Storm uses her powers to stop him. She then says: “Enough! We have had our fill of men in uniforms pointing weapons at us, Agent Denti!” 

Little does Storm know that in a short while (in the TV series), Denti will pull a weapon on her and cause her much pain and upset.

Weapon X

Image: ©Marvel/Disney

Denti’s appearance in this issue also causes Wolverine to recall a previous encounter with him. This kick-starts a one-page flashback in the issue, which sees Wolverine’s mind travel back to his Team X days when he worked as a black ops specialist alongside Maverick and Sabretooth. 

Is this the first time we’ve seen Team X? Nope – Wolverine’s backstory and his connection to Sabretooth and Maverick was previously covered in the X-Men: The Animated Series episode, ‘Weapon X, Lies, and Videotape’.


Image: ©Marvel Comics

The flashback sequence with Denti also explains why he has a scar on his face (as seen in this issue and in the X-Men ‘97 cartoon). As shown here, the scar was caused by a hand grenade.

The road to evil

Image: ©Marvel/Disney

This issue also explains why Denti eventually transforms into the X-Cutioner in the X-Men ‘97 cartoon. It is essentially because he gets reprimanded for pulling a gun on the X-Men and letting The Marauders escape.

His actions go against Val Cooper’s orders, and this leads to Denti being stripped of his rank and facing a court martial. As a result of this he vows to make sure all mutants “get what they deserve.”

An announcement 

Image: ©Marvel Comics

And finally, as the issue begins to wrap up, all of the X-Men return to the X-Mansion, where Jean Grey announces to the team that she is pregnant. Of the eight team mates she informs, there is a varied reaction from her friends. 

Storm, Rogue, Gambit, Beast, and Jubilee are happy about the news. They all have smiles on their faces and it’s clear they are pleased for Jean (and Cyclops).

In contrast, Wolverine is not happy and is clearly saddened by the news. His disappointed expression says it all.

Morph’s expression is one of shock and concern. But Morph isn’t reacting to Jean’s news, but rather to Wolverine’s reaction to Jean’s news.

And then there is Bishop, who is stood in the background and has a concerned look on his face. Could it be the time-travelling mutant already knows what the future holds for the baby?


Thank you for taking the time to read this post about X-Men ’97: Issue #3 on It’s A Stampede! – I hope it has proved useful. For more useful posts, be sure to check out the recommended reads below.
