In Innocents Lost, Jesse Stone is at a loose end following his forced retirement from the Paradise police force. To fill his time Jesse has started jogging, he is still trying to connect with his dog Reggie, and he continues to attend his monthly therapy sessions with Dr. Dix.

While Jesse is attempting to keep himself busy, Paradise appoints a new chief of police in the shape of William Butler. The appointment comes at just the right time, as on old friend of Jesse’s is found dead in her car, prompting a police investigation.

The death appears to be the result of an overdose, but Jesse’s not convinced. Although he has no jurisdiction, he begins to look into the case to uncover the truth.

Image: ©Sony Pictures

Set three weeks after the events of No RemorseInnocents Lost stars Tom Selleck, Kathy Baker, Kohl Sudduth, Stephen McHattie, William Sadler, Saul Rubinek, and William Devane. Innocents Lost is the seventh entry in the Jesse Stone movie series and the first (and only) entry not to be directed by Robert Harmon. 

Dick Lowry jumps into the director’s chair for this instalment, and while there is a slightly different feel to proceedings, it really is only slight. The main cast are back, Jesse’s personal problems are present (alcoholism, therapy sessions, etc), and for the most part it’s business as usual.

Is this the best Jesse Stone movie though? I’d say no, but this is mostly because it moves a little too slowly. 

The Jesse Stone films move at their own pace, and this is generally part of their charm (not a problem) but on this occasion things move a touch slower than usual. This does impact the flow a bit, and in general the story doesn’t feel quite as tight either.

Image: ©Sony Pictures

On the plus side, Tom Selleck continues to be a delight as Jesse, and his interactions with series regulars Kathy Baker, Kohl Sudduth, and Stephen McHattie, etc, remain a highlight. His scenes with William Devane are also good value, with both actors bringing gravitas to the screen, even if their shared screen time is limited.

Outside of this, Innocents Lost maintains the general tone of the previous films, and the ongoing story continues to develop and progress. The key to the success of these films is the continued use of the core characters and they remain at the forefront.

Image: ©Sony Pictures

Overall, fans of the Jesse Stone movies will find Innocents Lost to be enjoyable enough, but this entry is unlikely to draw in newcomers. However, if you’ve waited until the seventh instalment to jump on board, it’s not really the fault of the film series if this one doesn’t quite hook you.

Either way, Innocents Lost has its moments, and Selleck remains excellent. Perhaps a little more focus next time around, and slightly stronger story, but still good stuff.

Should you wish to check out Innocents Lost, the movie is available on digital download and DVD from all good entertainment retailers, including Amazon US.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Disclaimer: I earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article.


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