Turn the clock back to 2010, and you may remember that popular US sitcom, The Big Bang Theory aired an episode of the show called ‘The Large Hadron Collision’ – a Valentine’s Day helping of the hit series. The episode was broadcast to coincide with the love-themed holiday, to give viewers a spot of seasonal romance amongst the usual dose of drama.

Due to the success of the episode, with audiences enjoying the Valentine’s Day content, The Big Bang Theory returned to the subject of Valentine’s Day in future seasons. Continuing in subsequent years, the show featured Valentine’s Day episodes on a semi-regular basis.

But if you’re new to The Big Bang Theory, and wish to watch the Valentine’s Day episodes, what are the episodes you need to look out for? For all those details and more, keep reading!



Every Valentine’s Day episode of The Big Bang Theory in order

Image: ©Warner Bros. Television

During the course of its run, The Big Bang Theory featured four Valentine’s Day episodes. If you wish to watch all the episodes simply follow this list:

  • The Large Hadron Collision The Big Bang Theory: Season Three, Episode Fifteen (2010)
  • The Tangible Affection ProofThe Big Bang Theory: Season Six, Episode Sixteen (2013)
  • The Locomotive ManipulationThe Big Bang Theory: Season Seven, Episode Fifteen (2014)
  • The Valentino Submergence The Big Bang Theory: Season Nine, Episode Fifteen (2016)

If you seek out all of the above episodes, you can have your very own love-fest with The Big Bang Theory.



Thank you for stopping by It’s A Stampede! to read this post about the Valentine’s Day episodes of The Big Bang Theory – I hope it has proved useful. For more useful posts, be sure to check out the recommended reads below.
