It’s A Stampede! is celebrating its first birthday!


Yep, this blog is now one year old.

How did that happen? I swear it’s still 2018.

Either way, this past year has been a blast! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading what I’ve published, because I’ve enjoyed posting.

When I launched It’s A Stampede! I wanted it to be a hub for all things geeky. My goal was to publish at least one post a day throughout the first year (a minimum of 365 posts).

As of today, I’ve now published 1,891 posts – beating my target considerably. At this rate I’ll be hitting the big TWO THOUSAND in next to no time.

But I’ll talk about that another day…

Today is a day of partying, eating cake and looking back at the last 365 days.

Throughout the course of 2018 and into 2019 I’ve been able to share my love of movies, comics, TV shows and toys and you’ve been there every step of the way. OK, so not many of you were there when I kick-started this blog, but you’re sure as heck with me now!

To you all I say a big THANK YOU!

Whether you read one post every once in a while or you’re here every day, knowing you’re interested in what I have to say is much appreciated.

*Wipes tear from left eye*

As I now head into year two I have yet more content lined up. I expect this year to be a big one for It’s A Stampede!, so I’d love it if you could stick around for the ride.

The frequency of posting will change – I won’t be publishing posts every single day – but that doesn’t mean the quality will suffer. If anything, I will be implementing a few changes to make things even better!

For now, let’s party!
