Cast your mind back to 2023 and you may recall the release of the low-budget (and generally low-rent) British independent horror movie, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. Remember it? Remember how shite it was? 

Well for those who don’t quite remember, and who simply can’t be arsed to go back and read my review, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey was a cheap slasher movie which pretty much existed due to copyright expiration. In short: Because cuddly children’s character, Winnie the Pooh had fallen into the public domain (except for certain aspects owned by Disney), filmmaker Rhys Frake-Waterfield decided to put him in a horror film.

Why? Because this sort of thing causes a bit of commotion online and ultimately makes money. 

Anyway, the film came out, it was utter tosh, and it scored a pitiful 0.5 out of 5 on this very blog. However, at the same time, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey attracted attention and proved profitable, and this pretty much guaranteed a sequel. 

That sequel – appropriately titled Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 – will hit UK cinemas on Friday 28th June, before arriving on Blu-ray and DVD on Monday 1st July. Directed by Rhys Frake-Waterfield, the film stars Ryan Oliva, Lewis Santer, Scott Chambers, and Tallulah Evans, as well as Simon Callow – yes, genuine thesp, Simon Callow!

Image: ©Altitude Film Distribution/Jagged Edge Productions/ITN Studios

Picking up the story shortly after the events of the 100 Acre Wood massacre, Christopher Robin is in therapy. His connection to Winnie the Pooh weighs heavy on his mind and according to the locals in his home town of Ashdown, Christopher is a murderer.

Things then go from bad to worse when Pooh and Co. return and start carving up bodies in the woods. The police investigate, and all eyes turn back to Christopher.

Of course, he isn’t responsible, but he needs to put a stop to Pooh’s latest rampage. And to do this, he needs to uncover new information about the maniacal man-bear.

Image: ©Altitude Film Distribution/Jagged Edge Productions/ITN Studios

So, after the paper-thin drivel served up first time around, what’s the verdict on this sequel? Is it equally as crap as before, is it worse, or is it an improvement?

Well, it’s fair to say Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 is a slight step-up from what came before. Not a massive jump forward, so don’t get too excited, but it’s not as awful as Part One.

This doesn’t mean I’m suddenly telling you to rush out and see this film, and it’s far from a recommendation, but it is an acknowledgment that things are at least looking up. While Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 is still a bit rubbish, it’s better rubbish this time around and this is at least something worth highlighting.

As for other things worth highlighting? Well, for all you sickos out there (yes, you), some of the ‘kills’ are decent and the entire final act is filled with gore. 

If blood is what you’re after then you’ll certainly find it in Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2. You’ll also find a film that appears to be moving further and further into Friday the 13th territory, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

There’s also some mild improvements in the story department which is also worth noting. Sure, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 is quite dull at times and there’s not much to it (like its predecessor), but efforts are clearly being made to develop the mythology and make it a little more interesting.

Image: ©Altitude Film Distribution/Jagged Edge Productions/ITN Studios

In terms of the cast, Scott Chambers is decent as Christopher Robin (taking over from Nikolai Leon in the previous movie), and Simon Callow puts in a good turn in the role of Cavendish. Callow is essentially in the movie to provide some exposition, but as he’s always great value regardless of what crap he appears in, he elevates the movie.

As for everyone else? They do what is needed.

No one is winning an Oscar for this movie and there are no stellar performances. Everyone shows up, does what is required, and goes home.

Anything else to report? Erm… no. 

Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 is better than the 2023 offering, but ultimately it does pretty much what you expect it to do and not much more. If you’re hoping for big things you will be disappointed, but if you’re simply happy to watch something less shit than what was dished up first time around, then hurrah, you are in luck!

Image: ©Altitude Film Distribution/Jagged Edge Productions/ITN Studios

A third film in the Blood and Honey series is apparently on its way, while director Rhys Frake-Waterfield and writer Matt Leslie have also teased a collection of spin-offs. Plans are in place to expand these films into a whole cinematic universe, tentatively titled The Twisted Childhood Universe (The TCU), so expect more from Pooh, as well as Bambi, Peter Pan, and Pinocchio very shortly.

Is this something you should be excited for? Probably not, but take it for what it is when it materialises.

For now just be happy that Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 is better than Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. Not amazing, but not worse, so this is better than nothing, right?

Rating: 1.5 out of 5.

Thank you for taking the time to read this review on It’s A Stampede!. For more reviews, check out the recommended reads below.
