In Bad Boys for Life, Detective Lieutenant Marcus Burnett and Detective Lieutenant Mike Lowrey are out celebrating. Not only have they spent almost 25 years on the force, putting away countless criminals, but Marcus has just become a grandfather. 

Things are going great and life couldn’t be any better right now. However, trouble is on the horizon.

While outside the club, talking about their futures, Mike is shot multiple times in a ride-by-shooting. He is rushed to hospital, where his condition is critical.

But the attack on Mike isn’t an isolated incident. Other high ranking officials are also being targeted and killed in similar shootings.

Fast-forward six months and with Mike out of danger and out of hospital, he’s keen to track down the person who attempted to assassinate him. However, Marcus is not so keen to keep pushing this case, and instead wants to retire from police work for good.

Image: ©Sony Pictures

Directed by Adil and Bilall (aka Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah), Bad Boys for Life is an action comedy starring Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Joe Pantoliano, Vanessa Hudgens, Alexander Ludwig, Jacob Scipio, and Kate del Castillo. The movie is the third entry in the Bad Boys movie series, and picks up the story with Marcus and Mike 17 years after the events of Bad Boys II.

And those 17 years prove important. They say time is a great healer, and that’s certainly the case here.

After the muddled mess that was Bad Boys II, the Bad Boys franchise took some much needed time off to regroup and refocus, and returned in 2020 stronger than ever. Bad Boys for Life isn’t just a considerable improvement on the previous film, it’s also better than the original.

Bad Boys for Life cuts back on the over-the-top bullshit and stunt porn seen in Part II, zeroes in on characterisation, and finds a way to keep Mike and Marcus feeling relevant in a new decade. And if this wasn’t enough, for the first time in the whole franchise this entry finally has a decent script, with less filler and more fun.

Image: ©Sony Pictures

The great thing about Bad Boys for Life is the way directors Adil and Bilall understand what made the original movie a hit. It wasn’t flashy stunts, it was likeable, relatable lead characters and some humorous wordplay from Lawrence and Smith.

The directors also know that Bad Boys didn’t reinvent the wheel, so Bad Boys for Life doesn’t need to either. As long as there is some action, plenty of laughs, and a crime to solve, that’s all that’s required.

Bad Boys for Life does exactly this, and when the film decides to lean into scenes of spectacle, the action sequences are well executed and highly enjoyable, not tedious or misjudged. A perfect example of this is a scene involving a bike chase through the streets of Miami, which is not only exhilarating but also includes witty commentary from Mike and Marcus.

Image: ©Sony Pictures

In addition to the above, Bad Boys for Life looks great. This is easily the most aesthetically pleasing Bad Boys movie so far, with stunning cinematography from Robrecht Heyvaert (SnowfallMs. Marvel, etc).

The cinematography on the two previous films was an acquired taste (I wasn’t a huge fan). Bad Boys for Life on the other hand looks luscious and vibrant, with the overall style matching the energy seen on screen.

In the words of Marcus, “shit, this is like HD”. Well, yes, it is indeed.

Image: ©Sony Pictures

Thanks to an injection of new ideas, as well as some new energy, Bad Boys for Life is a breath of fresh air. Many action franchises fall apart by entry number three, yet Bad Boys for Life proves this doesn’t always have to be the case.

Both Lawrence and Smith are on fine form, while directors Adil and Bilall are the guiding force this franchise needed. Part II might have cocked things up, but this third instalment has got things back on track.

Should you wish to take a look, Bad Boys for Life is currently available on DVD, Blu-ray, and digital.

Rating: 4 out of 5.



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