In 2015, television sitcom, Fresh Off the Boat, aired the episode ‘Miracle on Dead Street’. The spook-tastic story was broadcast to coincide with the Halloween season, to provide the popular show with some holiday cheer over the spooky period.

Due to the popularity of the episode, with audiences enjoying this nice slice of Halloween hijinks, the writing team behind Fresh Off the Boat decided to make Halloween episodes a regular thing moving forward. Continuing in subsequent years, the show incorporated Halloween episodes into future seasons, providing audiences with some frighteningly fun stories along the way.

But if you’re new to Fresh Off the Boat, you absolutely adore Halloween, and you simply want to check out the Halloween episodes, what are the episodes you need to hunt down? And more importantly, how many Halloween episodes of Fresh Off the Boat are there?!

Well, I have the answers to those very questions! And for all the gruesomely good details and more, all you need do is keep on reading!



Every Halloween episode of Fresh Off the Boat

Image: ©20th Century/ABC

During the course of its run, Fresh Off the Boat featured five Halloween-themed episodes. If you wish to seek out all of the episodes (and I’m pretty sure you do) then simply follow this list:

  • Miracle on Dead Street – Fresh Off the Boat: Season Two, Episode Five (2015)
  • Louisween – Fresh Off the Boat: Season Three, Episode Three (2016)
  • It’s a Plastic Pumpkin, Louis Haung – Fresh Off the Boat: Season Four, Episode Four (2017)
  • Working the ‘Ween’ – Fresh Off the Boat: Season Five, Episode Three (2018)
  • Hal-lou-Ween – Fresh Off the Boat: Season Six, Episode Five (2019)

Track down the above episodes, via streaming, or good ol’ fashioned TV re-runs, and you’ll have all the Halloween fun from Fresh Off the Boat you could ever want!



Thank you for stopping by It’s A Stampede! to read this post about the Halloween episodes of Fresh Off the Boat – I hope it has proved useful. For more useful posts, be sure to check out the recommended reads below.
