In Organ Trail, the year is 1870 and in Montana in the US, a small family are forced to leave their mountain-top home when they find themselves in the midst of a terrible snow storm. Moving down the mountain they set up camp, before father and son head off on a hunt for food.

During the course of the hunt, the pair stumble across another camp; but one which has been ravaged. Everyone has been brutally murdered, with bodies piled high, and there is just one survivor – a woman who has been badly injured.

After taking the survivor back to their own camp to administer some first aid, the family settle down for the night. But soon they are visited by a bloodthirsty gang of bandits, who have murder in mind.

Image: ©Paramount Pictures

Directed by Michael Patrick Jann, Organ Trail is a dark Western starring Zoé De Grand Maison, Olivia Grace Applegate, Sam Trammell, and Nicholas Logan. Organ Trail received a theatrical release in the US earlier in the year, and is currently available to buy in the UK through all the major digital platforms.

For those who like Westerns, Organ Trail isn’t bad and if this particular genre is your thing, then you may wish to take a look. From a visual standpoint, Organ Trail is fairly polished; in terms of the cast, the lead actors are all decent; and with regards to the overall tone and general vibe of the film, it pretty much does what it sets out to do.

However, do be warned, while Organ Trail has a number of things going for it, and it’s certainly watchable, the film is a little underwhelming. The story is somewhat lacking, the pace is a bit slow, and the running time is arguably too long.

Image: ©Paramount Pictures

Where Organ Trail is at its strongest is in the cast, the costuming, and the setting. Director Michael Patrick Jann has worked hard to get all of these elements right, and Organ Trail certainly creates the correct mood.

Westerns aren’t my go-to genre, but I appreciate what is brought to the screen here. Organ Trail will never win the award for ‘World’s Greatest Western’, but it should tick enough boxes for fans.

As for everyone else? I’m less certain.

Organ Trail‘s greatest stumbling block is its lack of energy and without enough ‘oomph’ in the action department, I expect those not already invested in this genre will find it a bit too sedate. Not snooze-worthy, but simply not exciting enough for modern audiences.

Image: ©Paramount Pictures

Overall, Organ Trail is fine for what it is, and I expect some will find it appealing, but I’m not convinced it quite works. I certainly believe it tries its best, and it has many of the right elements in play, but something is simply missing.

I doubt it will win over everyone, but it may have enough going for it to find its intended audience. If that’s you, I hope you enjoy what’s on offer.

Rating: 3 out of 5.


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